Well, we've lived at our new home since October 31st, 2012.
After giving myself a few months to settle in I have decided I can't stop the urge to blog about our experiences any longer. Sitting around with friends our conversations always end up about what we are doing, but most importantly WHY we are doing it.
So to start with a bit of back history. I grew up in Beaverton, Ontario on a farm with my parents where we raised Dexter cattle, horses and the occasional chickens, guinea hens and any other birds that survived the coyotes.
I met my fiancee at on Thorah Island where our families have both have cottages for over 6 generations. He was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario and lived right down at Bathurst and Lakeshore in a condo when we started dating a few years ago.
I'm still not sure how I did it but we now live on 10 acres in Ashburn, Ontario.
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